Summertime spreads excitement for individuals and families but also, for businesses and of course, construction companies! In the summer season, you witness an increase in construction sites all over the city near you. That raises the question, why is there so much construction in the summer?
In the summer, it is the ideal weather condition for a construction site. The warm weather and longer days make these summer months the optimal time to start a construction project as the workers have more daylight to work. Workers also don’t have to worry about the ground freezing (‘frost’) which would prevent them from any sort of extra excavation that would need to take place.
You may have wondered what hurdles construction companies face in the dead of winter.
The first hurdle is inclement weather. Snow, rain, snowy-rain and freezing temperatures can create uncertainty about when the job can be completed—delays at the very least.
Another hurdle is the conditions for the construction workers on-site. During some winter days, dangers are posed from temperatures and extreme weather. Construction companies must take extra pre-cautions and enact preventative measures to allow both working on-site and travelling to and from site safe.
Another hurdle is the extra TLC needed to operate equipment on job sites. During snowstorms, extremely low temperatures, and the like, extra time and maintenance must be put in to make sure the equipment can function correctly. Sometimes it can get so cold the equipment won’t run period!